Archive 2020
Xia Bi Solitudism
Loneliness is feeling alone and not liking it; it’s a feeling.
Solitudism is being alone and content; it’s a choice.
I designed spaces for people to master solitude.
If you can master solitude. You will never feel lonely again. We need more space for solitude in the city. As designers, we usually feel obliged to design socially engaging spaces rather than improving the quality of the experience of being alone.
Being alone has become a negative state that people want to avoid, but it should be a natural, justifiable and deliberate option and could be an alternative way to eliminate loneliness. Loneliness is a societal health issue can affect everyone and companionship shouldn’t be the only way to relieve it. We have been educated to participate in groups, people who prefer to be in solitude are seen as outsiders or loners who are subject to this bias that is implanted in society.
I designed three spaces for solitary dining, reading and practising, as alternative ways to combat loneliness.
In ‘Grassland’ people are free to hide in freestanding flexible cork-rubber partitions. Roaming between them is not easy, the deeper you go, the more undisturbed you become. When you choose a stool, wrap the partition around it, you can enjoy disconnection and remain in solitude for a period.
‘Mountaintop’ is a reading place on your way home from work. It is located on the top of an unknown building near an underground station. The tunnel is only for one person to choose books and buy. The shallowly marked seats on the mountain ensure distance and avoid eye contact.
The ‘Caves’ are where you practice musical instruments. You are free to switch between practice alone or performance with other people. The shapes are designed for different instrument reverberations.
Keywords: Solitude, Loneliness, Installation, Cork, Partition, dining, reading, practise, structural, behaviour
Mediums: Perspective drawing, Perspective plan drawing, detail drawing
Insta: bbxax