Archive 2021

Liming Huang

The epidemic severely challenged our balance between digital life and physical life. When the epidemic is over, will we return to the previous balance between digital and physical? I assume that people might appropriately expand the proportion of digital in their life since the digital platforms have been upgraded while the physical haven’t. Therefore, what self-reflection and suggestion will the physical environment carry out? How can we spatial designers intervene to help the physical recovery?

In this project, I was looking at how to reactivate/reuse the general office tower in the post-covid context and how spatial design can intervene to promote wellbeing and encourage human flourishing. My working method is to first research well-being based on the psychological construct ‘Environmental Enrichment’ and then apply the research results into practice.

The project, ‘EE-scape’ is a science-inspired urban landscape that is parasitic in the existing building and consists of a relaxation zone and an energy zone that provides workers and nearby residents with additional spaces to meet, take a brief rest from the digital-dominant life and embrace the recovery of physical experience.

Liming Huang

Liming Huang portrait Liming Huang work image